General Principles and Settlement
- Development outside Settlement Boundaries
- Development affecting Visually Important Open Spaces
- No. of design briefs prepared for major sites
- No. of planning applications refused on design grounds
- Area of derelict land by District
- Area of redevelopment sites by proposed use.
Heritage and Listed Buildings
- No. of listed building consents and conservation area consents
approved and refused
- No. of planning applications in conservation areas approved
and refused
- No of enhancement schemes in conservation areas
- No. of Conservation Area Partnerships, compared to the no.
of bids made
- No. of listed buildings
- No. of historic buildings at risk
- Total value of grant aided work to historic buildings and buildings
in conservation areas
- No. and percentage of planning applications which affect known
archaeological sites approved, subject to amendments, conditions,
agreements or prior evaluation
- No. and percentage of applications which affect known archaeological
sites refused
- No. and percentage of Scheduled Ancient Monuments (and other
archaeological sites of national importance) damaged as a result
of development
- No. and percentage of applications which affect known archaeological
sites of less than national importance approved with no provision
for preservation in situ or recording prior to or during development
- No and percentage of applications affecting sites of high archaeological
potential approved.
Countryside and Rural Economy
- Area of agricultural land allocated for development
- Number of applications for development in rural areas, approved
and refused
- No. of applications in designated landscape areas approved
and refused
- No. and area of historic parks and gardens, commons, village
greens and visually important open spaces (VIOSs) lost or damaged
as a result of development
- No. of applications refused in, or in relation to, historic
parks and gardens, commons, village greens or VIOSs
- No. of applications approved, subject to safeguarding conditions,
in an historic park and garden, common, village green or VIOS
- No. of applications outside designated landscape areas where
loss of landscape features are cited as a reason for refusal
- Extent of non-local authority landscape management schemes
- Area of woodland
- Area of woodland covered by approved Forestry Authority management
schemes since 1991
- No. and area of sites designated as of nature conservation
value lost or damaged as a result of development
- No. of applications refused in, or in relation to, sites designated
as of nature conservation value
- No. of applications approved, subject to safeguarding conditions
or agreements, which relate to a site designated as of nature
conservation value
- No. of applications which include reasons for refusal relating
to protected species
- No. of applications which include condition or agreements relating
to protected species
- New habitat provided in association with applications where
an environmental assessment (EA) is required or voluntarily provided
- New habitat provided in accordance with the provision of the
Local Plan allocations
- No. of publicly accessible nature reserves
- No. of new Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) served within villages
and towns
- No. of applications for work covered by TPOs within villages
and urban areas
- No. of TPO trees or areas of woodland within villages and towns
lost each year.
- Housing stock changes in relation to Structure Plan rates of
- Land availability for residential development in relation to
Structure Plan/Local Plan requirements and PPG 3
- No. and percentage of applications for affordable housing approved
and refused
- Percentage of housing in towns and elsewhere
- Percentage of all new residential development taking place
in towns and elsewhere
- No. and percentage of applications refused on grounds of privacy,
daylight, odour or noise nuisance.
Industry and Commerce
- No. and percentage of unemployed
- No. and percentage of employees by individual employment section
- No. and percentage of employees by location
- Land availability for business/industrial development
- Completions on business/industrial development land
- No. and percentage of applications for commercial activity
in rural areas approved
- No. and percentage of all applications for expansion of commercial
activity refused
- No. and percentage of all applications for new commercial activity
Shopping and Town Centre Development
- No. of units of each land use class in the defined town centres
- No. of vacant units of each land use class in the defined town
- No. of multiple retailers in town centres
- Planning approvals and Local Plan allocations for major developments
or new developments in town centres
- Pedestrian flows in each town centre
- Length and area of pedestrianisation in Stowmarket
- No. of town centre parking spaces
- No. of major commercial applications outside town centres approved
and refused (PS1/2 Codes 2, 4 and 5).
- Percentage of population with journey to work by public transport
- No. of pedestrian friendly road crossings
- Total length of urban cycle routes
- No. of public cycle parking facilities
- No. of parishes where 30 mph speed restrictions have been implemented
- No. of applications refused because of unacceptable environmental
impact of traffic
- No. of applications refused because of traffic safety implications
- No. of approvals which include conditions or agreements which
seek to minimise traffic impact.
Recreation and Open Space
- Existing level of publicly accessible open space provision
within Mid Suffolk's towns and villages
- Hectarage of new publicly accessible open space permitted
- Hectarage of publicly accessible open space lost through development
- No. and percentage of applications refused because of loss
of publicly accessible open space
- No. and percentage refused because of inadequate publicly accessible
open space provision
- Accessibility to publicly accessible open space
- Existing provision of outdoor playing space (youth and adult)
- Existing provision of children's play space
- Existing provision of allotments
- Existing provision of facilities for golf
- Existing provision of indoor sport and leisure facilities
- No. and percentage of applications for the provision of new
public recreation facilities approved and refused
- No. of public recreation facilities likely to be lost as a
result of planning approvals
- No. and percentage of applications refused because of a loss
of public recreational facilities
- Registered accommodation bedspaces in Suffolk
- No. of visitors to top tourist attractions
- No. of tourist attractions
- No. and percentage of all applications for tourist related
development approved and refused
- Percentage of population who live within 5 km of an informal
countryside recreation site
- Hectarage of informal countryside sites (District & County
Council managed) per 1,000 population
- No. of visitors to selected countryside recreation sites
- No. and length of footpaths promoted
- Length of Rights of Way routinely cleared of surface growth
- Percentage of justified complaints relating to ploughing and
cropping resolved.
Services and Community Facilities
- Percentage of rural population living in parishes which have
a food shop or general store, post office, public house, primary
school and meeting place
- Percentage or urban population living within 400 metres of
a local shop and/or a primary school
- Length of freshwater river courses, classified by chemical
quality and by biological quality
- Length of estuarine waters classified by quality
- No. of applications refused on water quality grounds
- No. of applications refused on flood risk grounds
- No. and percentage of applications for waste disposal or recycling
facilities approved and refused
- Hectarage of waste disposal sites restored
- Installed electricity generating capacity using renewable energy
- No. and potential electricity generating capacity of renewable
schemes with planning permission but not installed
- No. and potential electricity generating capacity of renewable
schemes refused planning permission.